
I know it's an old news, but I just had to write out something about the deep oil well thing. Cane to me when I was watching the whole thing on youtube.

    Black sooty tar rising into air in hot gassy mass and interrupting into the cycle and falling into the system making itself into black rainy clouds dripping thick spit rain black and sooty onto the ground.
    We are covered in soot. Oil well burns tall dick chimneys spew soot into the air we breathe it in we have no choice lungs will blacken and thicken into the tar filled sacks we have no way but evolve to suck tar soot air vile like and open our chests at night wash out the tar out of lungs while clocks tick away and leave an extra tick to wind just slowly an extra coil to keep itself moving while black soot rain drops onto us and grows toes so mutated it glows like neon yellow purple blue green red orange ultra violet pregnant mothers will birth soot covered children vomiting black vile crying over their breath in tar.
     And I know somewhere men will open his chest at night to clean his heart and lungs but soon lungs will turn into tar filled sacks and he will have to cut out what part of lungs that are drenched in soot and tar just to gasp.
    We won’t vomit anymore. We’ll spew stomach acid and tar it will drip slowly onto the porcelain and leave behind tails.
    People will make love while covered in tar under a sun that shines weakly through a thick hot black cloud that I know for sure was in development since the industrial revolution men will spew his seeds into women's soot gray womb.
    And I know that one day we will all collapse in unison as we gasp for one last time over our drinks meals work. We will lie face down in the gutter floor and can’t even see color but durst out in neon color vomit meddling into one giant soup.
    I fear what horrid mutation will grow out of that genesis pond. I can only imagine its blood won’t be red.