Something I overheard in conversations
This was overheard in one session while I was at a bar, enjoying a
Saturday night drinking. These things may be a lot to overhear, but
please remember I was at a bar, people were talking all around me and I
took my time finishing my drinks, so I was able to hear them to the end.
“Those people, I’m okay with them. They got a point to prove, and they
want me to agree with them. So they talk and talk leads to argument. And
that’s okay, because through an argument we come to a point where we
can both agree on. And if they walk away in anger, well that means we
just don’t see eye to eye. With the number of people in this world, you
wouldn’t be surprised, right?
she? She’s something else. She doesn’t give a shit. She wants what she
wants at the moment, and she will claw out your eyes if it means getting
what she wants. You can’t reason with her. To her, what she wants is
everything and argument is getting in the way of it.
Whereas other people would argue with me with fire in their eyes, she
would throw away her clothe and fuck me until I agree with her. Really,
she’s my exact opposite.”
“That was the first time I saw my dad break down. I mean, he’s flesh
and bones, and he does have emotions so I shouldn’t have been shocked to
see him break down, but still all these years seeing him so composed
and calm, always in control just made me forgot that he was human after
“Listen, I’m serious about this. ‘Cause think about it. Everything I do
will affect that child. I will be his base for his ideals. What if I
fuck up that child’s life because of what I do?”
“It’s really simple. I hate everyone including myself, but what’s also
true is that I love everyone excluding myself. So if I’m out of the
picture I’m happy. I swear I’ll be a happy man in a world that turns and
moves about without me.”
“It’s taken 30 years to change ‘I fucking hate myself’ to ‘I hate
myself’. God knows how long it’ll take for ‘I tolerate myself’ to kick
my purpose, it is better that she be in that state. To hold her forever
in her youth, to never see her grow old, that is how I would like to
have her.”
“All that we say is just a distant echo of what our forefather has said
and done. All we are doing is just passing down that echo to our
“And for the next 5months I heard constant stream of low murmur voice
from left and right of me. It just went on day and night, no stop. I
sear if it went on a month longer I would have gone insane.”
“When I died and went hell for the first time, my punishment was to be
cut to pieces alive. And as they, I mean the demons of hell sliced my
body nails by nails, finger tips by finger tips, limbs by limbs and
teeth by teeth, they mumbled ‘She lives’, ‘We take her’, ‘she lives’,
‘We take her’, and so forth. When they took out my heart and made me
watch it stop beating, they said ‘We take her’. And after that I was
reincarnated. And when I turned 21 my aunt died. When I died and went to
hell the second time I was put through the same thing again, only this
time they said ‘We take him’, and again as they took out my heart and
made me watch my heart stop beating, they said ‘We take him’. And again I
was reincarnated, I turned 21 my uncle died. The third time I died and
went to hell, I ripped off a toenail from my left toe, and since they
were one short of taking anyone, when I was reincarnated and turned 21
my grandmother fell deathly ill but walked away fine.”
“My first memory? Don’t go really far, but I think it was a dream I had
when I was a child. In it I traded my place with a girl who lost her
life so early and wanted to see their parents before she is sent to
where ever dead people go to. So she possess my body and I leave my
body, and she the dead girl met her parents and I guess they had some
hugs and kisses and she said she’s gotta go, and the parents were a
little hesitant about it, and when the time came that the dead girl
really had to go and I was to possess my body back, they both held the
body and screamed don’t go. And the girl said But if I don’t go she’ll
be the ghost, and the parents said they don’t care, they just want her
back. And they argued on and on and I just watched them because I didn’t
know what to do, and finally the dead girl said something like And you
want her parents to suffer like you did? You want them to feel what it’s
like to lose a daughter? At that they loosened their grips, and then
she did the final stroke by saying that all those days of being dead and
gone, the only thing that saved her was the memories of her parents.
And that she doesn’t want those memories tarnished. So please let me go.
So they let her go, she went to wherever, and I came back. And her
parents just kept crying and crying, and I just kind of stood there not
knowing what to do. That’s about all I remember. There may have been
more, but I had this dream so long ago, I can’t even remember every
details of it. Kinda feels vivid? Who the hell knows, may have been from
my past.”
“Listen, there are only two most important moments in our lives. When
we are born and when we die. And we live our lives in pursuit of meaning
and things to do so we can tell our selves there is a meaning in our
lives until the day we die. Then when we die we piece together
everything in our lives and go delusional enough to tell our selves that
was all that was. That wasn’t so bad. And you really should try your
hands at the whole trying shit out or you are gonna spend the rest of
your afterlife regretting why the fuck hadn’t I tried that.”
“I want you to listen to me, because I really mean it. Do not despair,
do not fear, do not give up hope, and do not cry. It may seem like
everything is very hard right now, and people are adding more weight to
that problem. But please know that people can change, and they can
change for good. If they seem like they are not going to change, then
there are more you should know. That 1, you can always walk far away
from it if it looks insignificant, and 2, no one lives forever. If they
don’t feel like changing, let them die and that would be the end of
“And she tells me ‘Oh,so you finally know who I am now? Yes, that’s
right, I am the monster that your mother wanted me to be, so you’d run
away from me and come back to her. She succeeded didn’t she? Well, I’m
going back to hell now. Hope you live well, you poor soul, I love you’.
What? Kill mom? Don’t think so. Yes, she destroyed everything that was
dear to me. And she did that so I have no place but beside her. It’s not
love. And that I have nothing to live for anymore, all I can do now is
to watch her die bit by bit and become a deranged sack of flesh.”
“Yeah, just got back. What? No, I’m okay. I mean losing a mother is
hard on all. But she did live a long life and I did my best to love her
as much a son could. Don’t know if I could have done more. Dad didn’t
fare well though. He lost his wife, his love, et cetra and all. He was
really besides himself.”
“Well, when I was born I remember falling down this vast dark space. I
didn’t feel any fear or anything. I just fell and fell, and then
something grabbed me real gentle like, and I was brought to this light.
And here I am now.”
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